The Art of Latte Art
Latte art has become a beacon of a good coffee shop and with the amount you can do with some foamy milk the medium is becoming more and more popular. A simple heart is sometimes not enough anymore with people coming up with bigger and better things (you may have seen “catpucino”) however the simplest things are still beautiful. Here are some links to some of our favourite Instagram accounts dedicated to beautiful blended art.
zkings1019 - Yuanyi Zhang is a Chinese barista who has entered (and won) many competitions in his native country including the China Latte Art Championship. His intricate work gives something to aspire to. My personal favourite is the heart rosettes and flower wheels (the frogs are pretty cute too!)
dritanalsela - On his website he describes himself as “an adventurer” who is on a coffee mission around the world. Going on to say that he is a “true master of coffee art for more than 18 years” his skill has transcended him into an elite of the coffee world. Personally, we think it is for good reason!
latteart_simon - The 2016 Nestle Cup Latte Art Champion’s Instagram boasts videos of his many caffeine creations. His use of colours really stands out against the normal crema colours and bring his creations to life. Particular highlight for myself is his 2 swan design. Very loved up.